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Creative Writing  Express feelings, emotions, thoughts, ideas — in an imaginative way, not just to give info.

Formal & Informal English


  • ANSWER QUESTIONS  after watching Simpsons  & other film clips
  • MAKE a NEWSLETTER.  Include news, features, reviews,...
  • SUMMARIZE sammanfatta  a news article at  news in levels etc.
  • WRITE a REVIEW  after watching  a film

    modified from Hillevi Sjöbom, Nivrenaskolan, Kvissleby – www.lektion.se

    1. What is the title of the film?

    2. Who is the director filmregissör?

    3. In what country is the film made?

    4. What type of film is it? (Comedy, Action, Romance…)

    5. Where does the film take place?

    6. When does the film take place?

    7. Who are the main characters in the film?

    8. What is the story? Is the story based on true events? Is the story based on a novel?
         Remember not to tell everything that happens, and don't reveal the end.

    9. Who are the leading actors and actresses?

    10. What is your opinion of the film? Would you tell your friend to see the movie?

Plain English

Write simply but well:
  • Outline first.
  • Prefer short words.
  • Use everyday English. Explain technical terms.
  • Keep sentences short.
  • Use active verbs ("we will do it" not "it will be done).
  • Be concise.
  • Write the way you speak.
  • Your writing should be clear, helpful, human and polite.

More info


  • ANSWER  questions after reading & discussing stories. Also rhymes & nonsense
  • PRESENT presentera  a show for younger kids.

Descriptive Writing Describe a person, place or thing in a way that a picture is formed in the reader's mind.

Technical Writing Instructions: How does it (the new app, recycling, the emergency room...) work?

  • FOLLOW  written instructions such as in this 4x4. Then make a new 4x4 with new instructions.
  • DESCRIBE  a process like how to cook your favourite food.
  • MAKE  a handbook (a how-to book). For example on how to play tetris or how to become a pro soccer player or how to get your teacher to do what you want!

Informative writing

Write a skit sketch

  • Most Distant Place Mest avlägsna plats

  • A Decisive Meeting Ett avgörande möte

  • When I was Courageous Då var jag modig

  • An Unforgettable Birthday En oförglömlig födelsedag


adapted from
Write a short skit about travelling. Here are some words you can use:


Hej  Hi

Hej då  Bye

Vi ses  See you

Hur mår du?  How are you?

Bra  Fine

Tack  Thanks

Tack  Please

Varsågod  You're welcome

Välkommen  Welcome

God morgon  Good morning

God dag  Good day

Godkväll  Good evening

God natt  Good night

Trevligt att träffas  Nice to meet you

Jag är ledsen  I am sorry

Ursäkta  Excuse me

Vad heter du?  What is your name?

Var är du ifrån?   Where are you from?

Hur gammal är du?  How old are you?

Jag förstår (inte)  I (don't) understand

Jag älskar dig   I love you

Hur säger man …?   How do you say

Vad betyder…   What does …mean?

också  also

om  if

lite  little

inget  nothing

aldrig  never

alltid  always

jag kan  I can

jag vill  I want

jag har  I have

jag ska  I will

jag behöver  I need


den här  this

den där  that

det är  it is

här  here

där  there

höger  right

vänster  left

Jag arbetar I work

varmt  hot

kallt  cold

den/det  it

dem  them

man  husband

fru  wife

dotter  daughter

lamm  lamb

kyckling  chicken

fisk  fish

fläsk  pork

kött  meat

mjölk  milk

öl  beer

äta  eat

dricka  drink

hungrig  hungry

törstig  thirsty

Skål!  Cheers!

när…   when…

hur…   how…

varför…   why…

Vad kostar?  How much does it cost?

igår  yesterday

imorgon  tomorrow

ikväll  tonight

Write about a song

concise ver of Busuladzic Emina, Ekenässkolan, Eslöv – www.lektion.se

  • What is this song about? · Who is involved? · What is going on? · What emotions do you feel?
  • What colours do you see in the song? · Where (city/country)? · When (season/time of the day)?
  • If the song doesn't answer a question, give your own answer · Use all the answers to make a story.

Write about the newsperiodico noticias

  • Take a trip with a famous person in the news. (Politicians, sports figures and entertainers do a lot of traveling.) Where are they going and why?
  • Read “Letters to the Editor insändare", then write your own.
  • Interview a favourite athlete.
  • Write a column about your favourite sport.
  • Write a news article. Be sure to start off by answering these questions:
    • Who is it about?
    • What happened?
    • When did it happen?
    • Where did it happen?
    • Why did it happen?
    • How did it happen?
  • Read an advice column. Write your own advice. If you need help, ask the school counselor, a student, a teacher, or a parent for their thoughts.
  • Make a school newspaper
  • More

Write about your experiences

Write about other people & their experiences

Write about what you like to do

   Skriv om det som du tycker om att göra. (Några förslag:)

  • bicycle  cykla 
  • build (a tree house)  bygga
  • cry  skratta
  • dance
  • fly a kite  (pappers)drake
  • go boating, canoeing, sailing
  • go fishing
  • go horse-back riding
  • go strawberry, raspberry, or blueberry picking  plucka jordgubbar, hallon, blåbär
  • go to a crayfish party  kräftskiva
  • go to a festival or fair or concert
  • go to a funfair  nöjesfält, tivoli  AmE: amusement park
  • have a picnic
  • make ice cream or ices  glass eller isglass
  • play computer games
  • play football / soccer  spela fotboll
  • play hopscotch  hoppa hage
  • play miniature golf
  • play tag  leka kull
  • have a good experience  har en bra erfarenhet
  • help my parents  hjälpa mina föräldrar
  • hold a tag sale / garage sale  garageförsäljning
  • laugh  skratta
  • learn to play the guitar  lära mig spela guitarr
  • listen to music  lyssna till musik
  • make / create  skapa
  • mow the lawn  klippa gräset
  • paint or draw  måla eller teckna
  • play hide and seek  leka kurragömma
  • play miniature golf
  • read a book
  • redecorate  måla eller tapetsera om
  • sing  sjunga
  • sit in front of a fan or air-conditioner  sitta framför en fläkt eller luftkonditionerare
  • visit my grandmother  hälsa på mormor / farmor
  • walk around town  promenera i stan
  • walk my dog or take care of my cat
  • watch a film / movie
  • work (in the garden)  arbetar (i trägården / på tomten)
  • celebrate Midsummer/ Summer Solstice  fira midsommar (ingen allmän helgdag i engelsktalande länder)

Writing Prompts

High School Prompts:

Middle School Prompts:

Elementary School Prompts:



Read  Do:

More info

·Girl Talk (Välj ordet som passar bäst)