School Newspaper
- News: What’s going on in school?
- Features: What’s interesting, even if it isn’t new? Report on a student, teacher, activity…
- Sports: Who won? What was the score? Who played well?
- Opinion: What does the newspaper editor think about hot topics? What do others think? Ask students to write letters to the editor. (Make it clear that editorials & letters are opinions)
- Review: Movie, TV program, song, book. Which are most interesting? Why?
- Questionnaire: Ask “What is your dream school/pet/sport/moped/school lunch/…?"
- Puzzle / Joke / Riddle: Crosswords, trivia questions, jokes, riddles, sudoko
- Comics: Make your own comic strip or cartoon.
- Advice: Ask the school nurse, school counsellor, a teacher, or a Friend kompisstödjare to answer student questions.
- Don’t forget: Avoid Swinglish! Check spelling! Check grammar! (Have someone who is good at English help. Photos and drawings should have captions telling what they are about.