My School
Write 2 pages about your school. Use these ideas. Our your own eller använd dina egna.
Adults: Write about the head teacher (headmaster or headmistress / principal), nurse, custodian (or caretaker or janitor), cleaning lady, counsellor ( counsel or), lunch lady, rec leader (recreation leader fritidspedagog), Art teacher, Music teacher …
Classmates: What are kids like? (The kids in your class.) [Hurdana är dina klasskamrater?]
Are they beautiful, brave, crazy, cute, friendly, happy, helpful, honest, interesting, lazy, moody, pretty, polite, popular, quiet, restless, sensitive, sexy, shy, smart, talkative…?
Classrooms: Where do you have lessons?
Where do you hang out during breaks between lessons?
Art room, Music room, lab (laboratory), library, homeroom, canteen / cafeteria, gym (gymnasium or gym hall), locker room, rec room (recreation room elevhall), schoolyard (or school yard); soccer pitch ( field)
Feelings: What did you love about school last year? What did you hate about it?
House (or work group arbetsgrupp): Gryffindor (Harry Potter’s house)?
Marks : Will you get good marks/ grades? How are your studies going so far?
A= excellent, B= very good, C= good, D=acceptable, F=failing
The GCSE system in Britain: A*/A, B, C, D, E, F, G, U
Schedule (or timetable):
How long is your school day? (On Mondays, I'm at school from... until..... On Tues.… We eat lunch at…)
When are holidays / vacations, breaks, classes, lessons, projects…?
Special: camping trip, party, theme, special project, theatre ( theater), something you’ll never forget
Subjects: Which do you like best? Why?
Home Economics (Cooking)
Homeroom (h-tid, m-tid mm, olika i olika svenska skolor)
Languages: Chinese, English, French, German, Spanish, Swedish
Mathematics (Maths / Math)
PE (P hysical Education, Gym)
Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Technology)
Social Studies (Civics, Current Events, Geography, History, Religious Studies)
Textile shop
Witchcraft häxeri (at Harry Potter's school)
Wood shop
Studying: classwork, homework (“the homework is due on Friday” läxan är till på fredag , “the dog ate my homework”) , tests, learning, study skills, assignment, test (or examination or exam or quiz).