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My School

Write 2 pages about your school. Use these ideas. Our your own eller använd dina egna.

Adults: Write about the head teacher (headmaster or headmistress /File:Flag of the United States.svg principal), nurse, custodian (or caretaker or janitor), cleaning lady, counsellor (File:Flag of the United States.svg counsel or), lunch lady, rec leader (recreation leader fritidspedagog), Art teacher, Music teacher

Classmates: What are kids like? (The kids in your class.) [Hurdana är dina klasskamrater?]
Are they beautiful, brave, crazy, cute, friendly, happy, helpful, honest, interesting, lazy, moody, pretty, polite, popular, quiet, restless, sensitive, sexy, shy, smart, talkative?

Classrooms: Where do you have lessons?
Where do you hang out during breaks between lessons?
Art room, Music room, lab
(laboratory), library, homeroom, canteen / cafeteria, gym (gymnasium or gym hall), locker room, rec room (recreation room elevhall), schoolyard (or school yard)soccer pitch (File:Flag of the United States.svg field)

Feelings: What did you love about school last year? What did you hate about it?

House (or work group arbetsgrupp): Gryffindor (Harry Potter’s house)?

Marks : Will you get good marks/ File:Flag of the United States.svg grades? How are your studies going so far?
= excellent, B= very good, C= good, D=acceptable, F=failing
GCSE system in Britain: A*/A, B, C, D, E, F, G, U

Schedule (or timetable):
How long is your school day?
(On Mondays, I'm at school from... until..... On Tues.… We eat lunch at…)
When are holidays / vacations, breaks, classes, lessons, projects?

Special: camping trip, party, theme, special project, theatre (File:Flag of the United States.svg theater), something you’ll never forget

Subjects: Which do you like best? Why?

Home Economics (Cooking)
Homeroom (h-tid, m-tid mm, olika i olika svenska skolor)
Languages: Chinese, English, French, German, Spanish, Swedish
Mathematics (Maths /File:Flag of the United States.svg Math)
PE (P hysical Education, Gym)
Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Technology)
Social Studies (Civics, Current Events, Geography, History, Religious Studies)
Textile shop
Witchcraft häxeri 
(at Harry Potter's school)
Wood shop

Studying: classwork, homework (“the homework is due on Friday” läxan är till på fredag , “the dog ate my homework”) ,  tests, learning, study skills, assignment, test (or examination or exam or quiz).

 File:Flag of the United States.svg
9th grade
Math (not math)
fall semester, spring semester  
school vacation
favorite subject

9:de klass
höst- och vårtermin   
favorit ämne


File:Flag - Great Britain.jpg
9th form or class or year group
headmaster or headmistress
Maths (not maths)
school terms example: term 6 June-July
school holiday
favourite subject

More info: 
· colour File:Flag of the United States.svgcolor     flavour File:Flag of the United States.svgflavor     labour File:Flag of the United States.svg labor     favour [favorisera, ta parti för, gilla, gynna, tjänst]  File:Flag of the United States.svg favor     favourite  File:Flag of the United States.svgfavorite

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