I wish that my Room had a Floor!
I don’t so Much Care for a Door,
But this Crawling Around
Without Touching the Ground
Is Getting to be Quite a Bore!
There was a young lady of Crete,
Who was so exceedingly neat,
When she got out of bed
She stood on her head,
To make sure of not soiling her feet.
There was a young sailor of Lyd,
Who loved a fair Japanese kid;
When it came to good-bye,
They were eager but shy,
So they put up a sunshade and…did.
For beauty I am not a star,
There are others more handsome by far:
But my face; I don't mind it,
For I am behind it;
It's the people in front that I jar.
There was an old fellow named Green,
Who grew so abnormally lean,
And flat, and compressed,
That his back touched his chest,
And sideways he couldn't be seen.
There was a young maid who said, "Why
Can't I look in my ear with my eye?
If I put my mind to it
I’m sure I can do it:
You never can tell till you try!”