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25 Integration or segregation?
• Integration: people with different backgrounds live in the same neighbourhoods, go to the same schools, work at the same workplaces, hang out in the same places in their spare time.
• Segregation: different groups are kept apart. It can be voluntary or not, as in South Africa before Mandela was president.
25 Citizenship (medborgarskap)
Everyone in Sweden has the right to say what they want, to write what they want, to meet whoever they want. Everyone has the right to start a group and have whatever religion they want. Everyone has the right to get copies of the state's and the community's decisions.
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Citizens have full rights to take part in society. Children and teenagers who are citizens have many rights. They have the right to free education, health care, etc. Their parents have the right to child allowance (barnbidrag) and other allowances. |
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Should a citizen need help abroad, he or she can turn to the local Embassy of Sweden. They can help the citizen return home to Sweden. Every citizen of Sweden has the right to live in Sweden, even if he or she has lived abroad for 50 years. Adults have the right to vote. |
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Citizens in other EU countries have many rights in Sweden, but not as many as Swedish citizens. For example, most have the right to come to Sweden to look for work and to get health care. |
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Every country also has a limited number of non-citizens who are not fully part of society, who do not have all the rights. (For example, during 15 years, Mr F, lived in Sweden as a US citizen, but now is also a citizen of Sweden.) |
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There are also thousands of undocumented workers (=workers who do not have the proper documents, papperslösa) who live in Sweden illegally. They do not have a valid Swedish social insurance number (personnummer). Without that they cannot let a flat (rent an apartment), not take a driving licence (driver's license), can only work "off the books". An undocumented worker can be kicked out of the country whenever the police find him or her. Still, everyone has certain important rights: the right to be treated humanely and the right to emergency health care. Children have the right to go to school. |
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You can get a passport (pass) from your country of citizenship. No citizenship, no passport. Without a passport, you can't travel abroad. Even if you manage to get there, you have no right to return. In the worst case senerio, you get stuck in a refugee camp or an airport* or worse. |
â–º What is the difference between integration & segregation?
â–º Not everyone in Sweden has the same rights. Explain!
â–º Why should everyone in the world be citizen of at least one country?
Exile landsflykt is often not voluntary — one flees from oppression.
(compare with the word "exit")
â–º What does the word exile mean? Explain in your own words.
Mer info: * He lived at Charles de Gaulle!