A: What is a limerick, Mother?
A: It's a form of verse, said brother
B: In which lines one and two
B: Rhyme with five when it's through
A: And three and four rhyme with each other.
En limerick på svenska, av Hans Alfredsson:
Det va en man ifrån Koster
Som skydd han använde plåster
De va inte så bra
Som han trodde de va
Nu ska hans frus syster bli moster.
Excerpts from The Lure of the Limerick: An Uninhabited History, by William S. Baring-Gould
There was a young lady of Florence,
Who for kissing professed great abhorrence;
But when she’d been kissed
And found what she’d missed,
She cried till the tears came in torrents.
Concerning the bees and the flowers
In fields and gardens and bowers,
You’ll tell at a glance
Their ways of romance
Haven’t any resemblence to ours.
In Summer he said she was fair,
In Autumn her charms were still there;
But he said to his wife In the Winter of life"
There's no Spring in your old derrière.