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A flag featuring both cross and saltire in red, white and blue.

A flag featuring both cross and saltire in red, white and blue. ...ou ...or

  • colour File:Flag of the United States.svgcolor

  • flavour File:Flag of the United States.svgflavor

  • labour File:Flag of the United States.svglabor

  • favour [favorisera, ta parti för, gilla, gynna, tjänst]  File:Flag of the United States.svgfavor

  • favourite File:Flag of the United States.svgfavorite

  • neighbour granne

A flag featuring both cross and saltire in red, white and blue....re  ...er

  • centre File:Flag of the United States.svgcenter

  • fibre File:Flag of the United States.svgfiber

  • kilometre File:Flag of the United States.svgkilometer

  • litre File:Flag of the United States.svgliter

  • theatre File:Flag of the United States.svgtheater

A flag featuring both cross and saltire in red, white and blue....  ...

  • cheque File:Flag of the United States.svgcheck

  • jewellery File:Flag of the United States.svgjewelry smicke

  • plough File:Flag of the United States.svgplow plog 

  • programmFile:Flag of the United States.svgprogram  
    ​(but computer program A flag featuring both cross and saltire in red, white and blue.)

  • theatre File:Flag of the United States.svgtheater

American Spelling Noah Webster pre-1843 IMG 4412 Cropped.JPG

Two hundred years ago Noah Webster made a new kind of dictionary ordbok. His was the first dictionary to include words for American things like: chowder tjock (fisk)soppa, hickory (ett träd), skunk skunk/stinkdjur, and thousands of others.

Webster also changed the spelling of many words:

  • –ce → -se (defence, offence, pretence,...)
  • ll → l  (traveled, canceled,...)
  • our → or  (colour, humour, labour)
  • ck → k (musick, publick,...)
  • "The “publick” readily accepted many of these changes and just as readily rejected some of the others." source

He made these spelling changes because he didn't like the inconsistencies inkonsekvens  of English spelling. Sounds could be written in many ways — and were.

WEBSTER WON SOME:                 ...AND LOST SOME:
Before Webster Webster's change   Before Webster Webster's change
centre center   ache ake
gaol jail   cloak cloke
honour honor   determine determin
humour humor   sleigh sley
masque mask   soup soop
mould mold   sponge spunge
publick public   tongue tung
travelled traveled   women wimmen

How about if you help Webster out by suggesting more improvements. Which English words should be spelt in a simpler manner? How would you spell them?

Capital letters stora bokstäver

  • Många A flag featuring both cross and saltire in red, white and blue.   ord börjar med en stor bokstav, till exempel:
    • dagar (Monday), månader (January)
    • helger (Thanksgiving, Boxing Day)
    • nationalitetsord: (Swedish svenska, American amerikan)
  • Titles
    • Alla ord i en boktitel brukar skrivas med stora bokstäver
    • Undantagna: små ord som konjunktioner, artiklar och korta prepositioner.
    • Exempel: The Cat in the Hat

Contractions sammandragningar

Pairs 1  2


Två eller fler? Vanligtvis lägger man till – s . Fast, undantagen är många:

  • Lägg till–es:
    • churches kyrkor
    • buses bussar
    • bushes buskar
    • boxes
    • quizes 
  • y → ies
    • baby → babies
    • candy → candies
    • city → cities
    • fly fluga → flies 
  • Men, man kan inte ha oie, så... 
    • boy → boys
    • key → keys
    • toy → toys
  • -f -ves
    • baby → babies
    • half  → halves
    • knife  → knives
    • leaf  → leaves
    • life  → lives
    • self → selves
    • wolf  → wolves
  • Oregelbundna:
    • foot → feet
    • child → children
    • man → men
    • tooth → teeth
    • woman → women
  • More info
    • Jag, Mr F, fick det lite svettig med att lista ut: barn→barnen, blomma→blommor,
      bi→bin, bok→böcker,  bror→bröder,  bröd→ bröd, datormus→datormöss, faktum→fakta,
       fotbollsfan→fotbollsfans, ko→kor, sms→sms-en, pojke→pojkar, stad→städer, städare→städare...
    • File:Speaker Icon.svg Dreadful Language (plurals)


Sär skrivning

Many words are written as two words in English, but are one thing.

  • Exemples
    • Central Station centralstation
    • full moon fullmåne
    • high school gymnasieskola
    • the Mediterrian Sea medelhavet
    • spelling program stavningsprogram

Sight Words

Silent Letters thumb, sandwich, knee...

Use in sentences. Draw pictures.

b: bomb, lamb, dumb, plumber, climb, thumb

c: scissors

d: sandwich

g: design, foreign, sign

h: ache, chemistry, echo, school

k: knee, knife, knit, knob, knot, know, knowledge

n: autumn, damn

p: psychology, pneumonia lung inflammation, receipt kvitto

t: castle slott, fasten, listen, whistle (some people say the "t" in: often*, soften*)

u: build, guess, guitar

w: sword, wrap, wrestle, wrinkle, wrist, write, wrong

File:Speaker Icon.svg Listen to these words & others with silent letters

Spelling games

  • Hangman: 1  2  3

Spell Check stavningskontroll

More info

· Euro English
· Longest words which don't repeat a letter: uncopyrightable (something for which it is not possible to secure copyright) & dermatoglyphics (study of skin markings).
· No words have three of the same letter in a row. (Brrr, shhh, & zzz aren’t really words.) OK: bee-eater, bell-like, cross-section

· Most common letter: E. Most common first letter: S. Common last letters: E, S, T info
· "Q" & "U" used to be best friends, but some new words have "Q" without "U": niqab (a veil), qibla (the direction towards Mecca), qigong (Chinese exercises), QWERTY (keyboard layout), tariqa (spiritual learning),...