An English Pronouncing Dictionary with Instant Sound: Skriv ett ord och du får veta hur det uttalas - minimal pairs newer/never jet/yet
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There is no German car named BMV.
We do not say "Wery Well".
No internet addresses start vvv (but millions start with the letters www).
Words that are similar in English and Swedish:
(Perhaps 1 of 3 Eng. words that start with ”w” start with ”v” in Swedish.)
wade : vada : [verb]
waffle : våffla : [noun]
wag: vagar : [verb]. The dog wags her tail.
waggon: vagn : [noun]
wait : vänta : [verb]. Wait here. I will come back soon.
wait : vänta sig : [verb]
wait for : forvänta : [verb]
wait for : vänta : [verb]
wait for : vänta sig : [verb]
waiter : vaktmästare : [noun]
waiting room : väntsal : [noun]
waiting room : väntrum : [noun]
waiting-room : väntrum : [noun]
waiting-room : väntsal : [noun]
wake : vakna : [intr. verb]
wake : väcka : [verb]
wake up : väcka : [verb]. It is time to wake up. The sun is in the sky.
wake up : vakna : [intr. verb]
wall : vägg : [noun]. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is fairest of them all?
walnut : valnöt : [noun]
walrus : valrus : [noun]. Walruses live in the sea.
waltz : vals : [noun] . Waltz is a dance.
wampum. Wampum is money.
wares : vara : [noun]
warm : varm : [adj.]. Warm or cold?
warmth : värme : [noun]
warn : varna : [verb]. Warning! Danger!
warn : varsko : [verb]
was : var : [verb]. He was here!
wart : vårta : [noun]
watch over : vakta : [verb]
water : vatten : [noun]
water-closet : wc : [noun]
waterfall : vattenfall : [noun]
Watt : vatt. 75 Watts, 60 Watts, or 40 Watts?
waves : vågor. Waves in the sea.
wax : vax : [noun]
way : vana : [noun]
way : väg : [noun]
we : vi :
weak. Not strong.
weapon : vapen : [noun]
weasel : vessla : [noun]
weasel : vessla :
weather : väder : [noun]
weave : väva : [verb
week : vecka : [noun]. A week has 7 days.
week-end : veckoslut : [noun]
weigh : väger. She weighs 30 kg.
weight : vikt : [noun]
welcome : välkommen. Welcome to our house.
well : väl : [adv.]
were : var. Were you there?
west : väster : [noun]. West, East, North or South?
West : väst : [noun]
West : väster : [noun]
West Indies : Västindien : [noun, gen]
western : västra : [adj.]
western : västlig : [adj.]
wet : våt : [adj.]. Wet or dry?
whale : val : [noun]
whale : valfisk : [noun]
what : vad : [noun]
wheat : vete : [noun]
whence : varifrån : [adv.]
where : varthän :
where : var : [adv.]
where : vart :
where : var : [adv.]
which : vem :
which : vilken :
which one's : vars :
whisper : viska : [verb]
whisper : tissla : [verb]
white : vit : [noun]
white : vit : [adj.]
white : hvit :
whither : vart :
who : vilken :
who : vem :
whose : vars :
wide : vid : [adj.]
width : vidd : [noun]
wild : vild : [adj.]
wild : vildsint : [adj.]
wild boar : vildsvin : [noun]
wild duck : and : [noun]
will : vilja : [noun]
willingness : vilja : [noun]
wind : vind : [noun]
wine : vin : [noun]
wing : vinge : [noun]
winter : vinter : [noun]
winter : vinterlig : [adj.]
winter- : vinterlig : [adj.]
wisdom : visdom : [noun]
wisdom : vishet : [noun]
wise : vettig : [adj.]
wish : vilja : [noun]
wish : vilja : [verb]
with : vid : [prep.]
wolf : varg : [noun, irreg. pl]
work : verka : 43
work : verk : [noun, reg. Pl]
world : värld : [noun]
worth : värde : [noun]
worth : valör : [noun]
worthless : värdelös : [adj.]
worthy : värdig : [adj.]
source: CWF
s can sound like z in zoo:
is • goes • was • his • desert
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1. The bandage was wound around the wound.
2. The farm was used to produce the produce.
3. The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
4. We must polish the Polish furniture.
5. He could lead if he would get the lead out.
6. The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.
7. There's no time like the present*, so it was time to present the present*.
8. A bass* was painted on the head of the bass* drum.
9. When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
10. I did not object to the object.
11. The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
12. There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
13. They were too close to the door to close it.
14. The buck does funny things when the does are present.
15. A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.
16. To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
17. The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
18. Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear.
19. I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
20. How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?
* The words marked with an asterix ( * ) sound the same, are "homonyms".
All the rest are hetronyms. More info.