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• Find somebody who/ whose… (source unknown)
went sunbathing solbadade last summer plays football has two siblings syskon has a pet sings in a choir kör
bikes to school has a winter birthday  brushed his/her teeth this morning likes skiing 
att åka skidor
has played Guitar Hero
likes carrotsVegetable-Carrot-Bundle-wStalks.jpg knows how to crochet virkar knows everybody’s names in classes 7  and 8 has pulled up a pike gäddaEsox lucius ZOO 1.jpg been to five Swedish towns
read a novel last summer favourite colour is green knows an animal name in Latin knows four capital cities huvudstäder  likes blood pudding
speaks three languages


writes a diary dagbok likes swimming favourite colour is blue likes mathematics
  • Ask each person one thing at a time. You can only ask one question each time.
  • If you find someone who answers ‘Yes!’ - write that person’s name in the box.
  • When you have five (5) boxes in a row filled with names, yell: ‘BINGO!’