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http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/14/Animated_PNG_example_bouncing_beach_ball.png Verb talar om vad någon eller något gör.
Också ord som: heter, är.

Grundform (infinitiv)

  • to cry
  • to sing
  • to skate att åka skridsko
  • to talk att prata

Dåtid  (har gjort:  i morse, igår, förra veckan, förr i tiden osv)

  • call - called
  • cry   cried  (y→i)
  • skate åker skridsko  –   skated åkte skridsko   (Det redan slutar på -e)
  • sing –   sang sjung   (Det är långt ifrån alltid att man lägger till -ed)
  • talk –   talked     
  • Använd alltid has när det gäller vad hon/han har gjort: he/ she has talked
    But: I have talked • you have talked • we have talked • they have talked

Framtid  (ska göra, kommer att göra)

  • I'll will do it. = I'll do it. = I'm going to do it.
    Informell: I'm gonna do it.
    (Det är inte standard att säga: "I gonna do it")

Pågående - det som håller på att hända

  • I am singing. You are eating. He is running. She is painting. We are talking. You all are reading. They are sleeping.
  • Skilj på "She is swimming" just nu, kanske första gången i sitt liv och "She swims" (regelbundet, eller som en vana).

Tredje person singular: I eat, he eats

I jump       you jump       he jumps
När han eller hon gör nåt, lägg till s
I eat  →    he eat s
I talk  →   he talk s
I sing  →   he sings

I play  →   he plays
I cry   →    he cries

Använd alltid  -s när det gäller vad han/hon gör. Enda udantaget: att vara

att vara

   I am   jag är

   you are   du är

   he is  /  she is  /  it is   

   we are   vi är

   you-all are   ni är

   they are   dom är

   I was   jag var

   you were   du var

   he was  /  she was  /  it was

   we were   vi var

   you-all were   ni var

   they were   dom var

dåtid nutid framtid  

I was   jag var
you were   du var
he was   han var

I am   jag är
you are   du är
he is   han är

I will   jag kommer att
you will  du kommer att
he will han kommer att


we were   jag var
you-all were   du var
they were   han var

we are   vi är
you-all are   ni är
they are   dom är

we will vi kommer att
you will ni kommer att
they will dom kommer att

dåtid nutid framtid  

• Öva: 1

Regular verbs

600 common regular verbs.
Note spelling variations. (For example, practise becomes practice in .)

Irregular verbs

"Det finns otroligt många oregelbundna engelska verb, fler än i de flesta andra språk.
Det är nästan omöjligt att lära sig dem alla — men de vanligaste bör man känna till." källa

  File:Speaker Icon.svg 139 common irregular verbs  Öva: 1 2 3     

Note:     gotA flag featuring both cross and saltire in red, white and blue.    gotten
More differences 1': 1   2 

Change the verbs


1. It was warm, so I (take) _____ took__________off my coat.
2. The film was very good. I (enjoy) __________________it very much.
3. I was so tired, so I (go) ________________________to bed early.
4. It was a funny situation but nobody (laugh) _______________________.
5. The window was open and a bird (fly) ____________________into the room.
6. The hotel was very expensive. It (cost) ________________very much.
7. The bags (be)______________very heavy.
8. We (see) __________Rose in town a few days ago.
9. I (go) _______________to the cinema three times last week.
10. She (have) ______________dinner with some friends yesterday.
11. Ann (meet) _____________Tom at the airport a few weeks ago.
12. Thomas (drive) _________________too fast.
13. I (hear) _____________some noises behind me.

Charlie Chaplin


1. Watch Chaplin on  Logo Youtube.svg     

2. Answer the questions.

Describe Charlie Chaplin:




Fill in the missing verbs to describe what Charlie did:
He (catch) ___________________ a fish.
He (take) ___________________ off his gloves.
He (light) ___________________ a cigarette.
He (walk) ___________________ along a road.
A car (drive) ___________________ past him and he (fall) ___________________ backwards.
He (kick) ___________________ another man.
He (be) ___________________ a soldier and ___________________(dance).
He (have) ___________________ a gun and was (hit) ___________________ by a snowball.
He (run) ___________________ to the water and ____________________(dive) into it.
He (eat) ___________________ spaghetti.
A woman (hit) ___________________ him with her umbrella.
He (lift) ___________________ a heavy bag and (swing) ___________________ it around.
He (walk) ___________________ backwards.
He (come) ___________________ out of the sand and a gun (point) at him.
He (dig) ___________________ back down again.
He(fly) ___________________ in an old plane.
He (throw) ___________________ food at another man.
He (be) ___________________ a policeman and he _________________(knock) a big
man on the head.
He (try) ___________________ to put out a fire on a woman’s dress.
He (balance) ___________________ on a rope and a monkey ______________(hang) on
to him.
He (chase) ___________________ a man along the road.
Some people (jump) ___________________ off a car.
He (make) ___________________ potatoes dance on the table.
He (clap) ___________________ his hands.
He (stand) ___________________ under a lamp shade.
He (jump) ___________________ into a big chest.
He (rub) ___________________ a baby’s stomach.
He (run) ___________________ away dressed as a tree.
He (slide) ___________________ down a roof.
In the end he (eat) ___________________ a baby’s cake.