General Question
One (1) of the following will be on the test.
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..."Al Jazeera" as a news article (for example, change "I was in California" to "He was....") ..."Yasir the Kvetch" as autobiography ("she loved to complain" → "I loved to complain.") ..."The Merchant" from the point of view of the purse ..."Nasreddin" from the point of view of the people who listened. ..."Orpheus" from the point of view of his wife. ..."Pandora" from Zeus' point of view ..."Polar..." as an article in a newspaper in Senegal or in Finland ... "REVA" as a news article (for example, "We were young" → "he was young") ... "Statue" from the point of view of the statue ..."Trojan Horse" from the point of view of a pacifist fredsälskare |