Found a Peanut
Found a peanut jordnöt, found a peanut

Found a peanut just now

Just now I found a peanut

Found a peanut just now
It was rotten rutten, it was rotten

It was rotten just now

Just now it was rotten

It was rotten just now
Ate it anyway, ate it anyway

Ate it anyway just now

Just now I ate it anyway
Ate it anyway just now
Got a stomach ache magont, got a stomach ache

Got a stomach ache just now

Just now I got a stomach ache

Got a stomach ache just now
Called the doctor, called the doctor

Called the doctor just now

Just now I called the doctor

Called the doctor just now
Was a nightmare mardröm, was a nightmare

Was a nightmare just now

Just now it was a nightmare

Was a nightmare just now
Then I woke up vaknade, then I woke up

Then I woke up just now

Just now I woke up

I woke up just no
Found a peanut, found a peanut

Found a peanut just now

Just now I found a peanut

Found a peanut just now
Peanut Poem: A peanut sat on the railroad track. It's heart was all a'flutter. Along came the 5:05. Oops, peanut butter!
​·(American kids love peanut butter & jelly gelé sandwiches)