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Name: ______________

Class 4, Spring 2016
Pre-understanding exercises. Answers to the questions can be found in: PULSE Geography: Nordic.  Klicka förSweden - Click image to download.

page 4 
← Ericsson Globe (previously known as Stockholm Globe Arena) is a large building.
It is the world's largest spherical (round) building.
It is an arena (place) where people go for fun. (To be entertained. There you can listen to Eurovision, watch ice hockey, and hear celebrities like Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama.)
← This also is a globe. What does a globe show?

How old is the book?
Geography describes. What does it describe?

How many times a day and night (24 hours) does the globe spin round?
page 5
The earth spins. Almost the entire surface of the earth is moving.
Which two points do not move?*

The poles are white. Why?

Britta lives in a country of 9 million people.
Her great-grandmother lived in a country where there only lived 5 million.
Where did her great-grandma live? Note: Tricky question.
How many people lived in the city of Stockholm in those days?
page 6
A bust of Socrates

A man lived 2450 years ago. Socrates was his name.
He said: one must rise above the Earth to understand. What you understand then?
"The Blue Marble" photograph of Earth.

When Frank was in school photos were taken from space for the first time.
The photos were shown on TV and in popular magazines.
We had never seen anything like it. What was depicted (shown)?

Imagine that you are up in space. You look down at the earth. What does the earth look like?

The ancient Greeks had no satellites. Still, they knew that the earth is round.
How could they know that?
Magellan's ship sailed all the way around the world and came back. That proved that ...

page 7
On the map there is a line that divides the earth into two parts:
a northern part (the northern hemisphere) and a southern part (the southern hemisphere).
What is that line (that divides the earth) called?

Which hemisphere has summer in June?

Can you figure it out: Australia is different. The country has kangaroos and
← koalas. Even the seasons and school holidays are different.
Christmas holidays and summer holidays at the same time!
How is it possible to have both simultaneously (at the same time)?

Most people on earth live in the northern hemisphere.
What percentage (of all people) live there?

Colors show information. But one and the same color can mean different things.
For example: the picture (of the sun) shows yellow heat radiation from the sun.
On the map (at the foot of the page), the same color shows sparsely populated areas (places where almost no one lives).  What does red on the map show?

page 8
The family (pictured) belong to an ethnic group that has lived in South America for thousands of years. But nowadays it is difficult for them to live as they always have. Why?

Nature is different in different places.
Four things that are very different depending on where you are on earth:
1                           2                            3                            4

Where on earth are there rainy seasons?

Sahara is the world's largest desert. Far too dry for most animals. But camels love it.
Give an example of an animal that thrives in some places on Earth, but not in others.

From the equator all the way to the North Pole is very far indeed.
Most cities are closer to the equator than to the North Pole, but Stockholm is located
much closer to the North Pole. (3410 km to the pole but 6610 km to the equator.)
That makes it cold in Sweden. We adapt to cold temperatures by ...

In big cities, space is limited, so you build vertically (high buildings).
The world's tallest building is located in a country called the United Arab Emirates,
in a big city called ...
page 9
image at the top of the page:
Once upon a time there were trees in the country of Iceland.
But they cut down almost all the trees to make ships and for fuel.
How could they build houses? They had to use other materials.
For example turf and stone. What do you call such houses?

Nature is different in different parts of the world. A coincidence?
Or are there explanations?
Five questions to consider when you learn about different areas of the planet:






the picture at the bottom of the page:
Where there is limited space, you can be built vertically.
Or you can build houses close together.
Houses joined together side by side are called...

page 10
A nautical chart (Swedish: sjökort) is a kind of map. A map of what's in and
near lakes and seas. Sailors use them to...

Maps show information. On many maps, a small red dot is a symbol
for a large city. You can view information in other ways too.
Aside from color, what else is used to display information (on maps)?

What is an advantage of globes? What is the downside?
The chapter provides information about the maps. Which two kinds of maps?
page 11
Both maps show water in blue. What color is the mountain in the map to the left?

Pippi Longstocking is a girl in Sweden’s best-know children’s book. In the story, Pippi went to school for the first time. She thought that it was very strange.
The teacher asked so many questions. (Didn’t she know the answer herself?)
Mathematics was so-so. (Pippi thought the "pluttifikation table” was annoying.)
Art was better. (Each child was to draw an animal. Pippi drew her horse.) But Pippi drew the horse in natural size, on a 1: 1 scale.
She did not know that reality must be _______________ to fit on one page.

Satellites and airplanes take pictures from above (from above).
The pictures make it easier to draw maps. How?

In the past, no one knew what the earth's surface looked like.
Do we know now? (Can you make a picture of the globe?)
Why were the white areas on maps (in the old days)?
page 12
Different maps use the same colors to mean different things.
How do you know what a color means on a map?
What kind of map shows nature?
page 13
The map at the top left of the page: There are swine (pigs) in the Nordic countries.

Which Nordic country has most swine? (Note: A small pig on the map is a symbol for a hundred thousand pigs in reality, but a large pig on the map is a million.) 

The map at the top right: Is there more precipitation (=rain and snow) in Sweden or in Norway?

Maps that describe something special (climate, animals, plants) are ...

A large red dot on a map means ...
The map at the bottom of the page:
Trains go on special roads called railways (ways of iron). American: railroads (=roads of iron).
What color are railways on the map?
page 14
top of the page: Latitudes spread out (so to say).
They spread out to the left and right of the green lines on the map.
But the map also shows lines of longitude. What color are they on the map?

box on the right: The Tropic of Capricorn is located between the South Pole and the Equator.
What is the ”Tropic” lying between the Equator and the North Pole called?
Is the equator closer to the North Pole or the South Pole? (Note: Tricky question)

Your phone knows where you are (if you have GPS turned on). Your phone company also knows. (Frank turned the GPS on his cell phone because he does not want to share the information.)
  Before GPS existed, people used other ways to see where they were. They used a grid of squares called ...

page 15
The equator is at latitude 0°. What do we call the lines running parallel to it?
What can you say about latitude?
a. The further away from the equator, the higher the latitude.
b. The closer to the equator, the lower the latitude.
c. Both.

The North Pole is located at latitude 90 ° N. What is located at 90 ° S?
  Longitude runs between the North Pole and ...
Which meridian runs through Greenwich (England)?
  The pictures at the bottom of the page:
a. The latitude is the width (⇿)
b. longitude goes the ↑ and ↓
c. Both.

page 16
The picture at the top of the page: How do satellites help us?
(Hint: determine our positions = tell us where we are)
What type of receiver can help?

GPS is also used at sea. Give examples of how.

GPS is an acronym (a short way of saying)...

Satellites operate in the sky. Are they a kind of drone?

Does GPS work in the forest?

page 17
Another word for "atlas".
(Hint: There is an ancient story about a god named Atlas. He was punished.
The punishment was that he had to carry the whole world on his shoulders.)

The picture at the bottom of the page: What shows the way?

Three things to consider when looking at a map:
1st                                   2nd                                   3rd

Why should I look at things with a critical eye?

Tricky question: Can you figure out the answer? (It's not in the book):

   A person has a square house. All sides face south. A bear walks past the house.
    What color is the bear?



How do you know that compasses are smart?
- They have many degrees.

- Where is your new neighbor from?
- Poland.
- Oh, South or North Pole?

Where is it 90 ° but never hot?
- South Pole and North Pole.

Knock, Knock Jokes:

Knock, Knock
- Who's there?
- Alaska
- Alaska who?
- Alaska later.

Knock, Knock
- Who's there?
- Norway
- Norway who?
- Norway am I telling you any more knock knock jokes.

Knock, Knock
- Who's there?
- Oman
- Oman who?
- Oman, these jokes are bad!


What did the sea say to the shore?
- Nothing, it just waved!

The teacher talked about England and asked:
- Does anyone who knows where Liverpool is?
- Emil raised his hand.
- In fourth place in the league (Football League).

Knock, knock
- Who's there?
- Tank
- Tank who?
- Tank you for teaching me geography.

Knock, knock
- Who's there?
- Francis
- Francis who?
- France is a country in Europe.

Knock, knock
- Who's there?
- Kenya
- Kenya who?
- Kenya tell me the capital of Sweden?

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea.
To see what he could see, see, see.
But all that he could see, see, see.
Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea!

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