by Astrid Lindgren modified excerpts
Lina woke väknade because a great rat had run across her face! She jumped up with a shriek skrik.
Lina seized hold of grepp a log vedträ, but the rat had already disappeared försvunnit. It ran into a hole beside the log box.
Emil's father was furious ursinnig when he heard about the rat.
"That's a fine thing!" he stormed. "Rats in the kitchen might eat our bread and bacon."
"And me!" said Lina.
Emil realized insåg that the rat must be caught måste fångas.
Since the cat was out and about, it would have to be done in some other way. So that night he baited a rat-trap sätt ut lockmat i en råttfälla. He put it under the kitchen table.
He woke vaknade in broad daylight dagsljus to the sound of a loud yell from the kitchen.
The next moment his mother came hurrying in (fast). She pulled him out of bed.
She whispered viskade into his ear, "Quick! Off to the toolshed redskapsskjul with you. Quick, before your father gets his toe out of the rat-trap, or I believe your last hour has come!"
Hujedamej sånt barn han var! Hör nu på, govänner (god vänner), så ska jag för er berätta Hujedamej, sånt barn han var, Sing-dudel-dej-sing-dudel dej Hör nu på, govanner, så ska jag för er berätta Nu ska ni får höra hur han i grönsakssoppan Hujedamej, sånt barn han var, Hör du på, govänner, inte kan jag ju berätta |