Name ______________
1 Word + 1 Word → 1 New Word
(Compound Words - sammansätta ord)
- Put 2 words together to make a new word!
- Exempel: super + market marknad → supermarket
- Sometimes you can use the meanings betydelse of the little words to figure out lista ut the meaning of the compound word. Here is an example: A doghouse is a house for a dog:
dog + house → doghouse - When you put two words together, sometimes the new word's meaning is very different. Example: butter + fly → butterfly.
(Have you ever seen a stick of butter that flies or a fly made of butter? Of course not!)
Open compound words
- An "open compound word" is a compound word with a gap lucka.
- Examples:
- central station
- fire engine
- high school
- ice cream
- peanut butter jordnötssmör
- post office
Swedish has many compound sammansätta words,
including glasstrut which could mean: glas-strut • glass-strut • glass-trut
← a kind of gull havstrut
Mix and match [source: PS 117 UPA newsletter]:
a | low | around |
after | fast | |
air | round | |
any | bird | |
back | let | |
be | noon | |
bed | port | |
black | chair | |
blind | bone | |
brace | thing | |
break | fold | |
Write the words in Swedish:
air + port→ back + park→ basket + ball→ bath + room→ birth + day→ blue + berry→ board + walk→ book + keeper→ break + fast→ breast + feed→ cat + walk→ class + room→ cook + book→ dog + house→ door + bell→ down + town→ ear + ring→ eye + glasses→ farm + house→ fairy + tale→ fire + place→
foot + ball→ grand + mother→ |
green + house→ hair + brush→ hair + cut→ hand + bag→ home + work→ horse + back→ key + board→ life + style→ lip + stick→ motor + boat→ motor + cycle→ mouse + trap→ news + paper→ on + line→ out + doors → pan + cake→ pop + corn→
rain + drop→ room + mate→ sand + box→ sand + paper→ second + hand→
sign + post→ |
skate + board→ school + yard→ sky + scraper→ snow + man→ spot + light→ straw + berry→ sun + burn→ sun + flower→ sun + glasses→ sun + light super + market→ sweat + pants→ table + spoon→ taxi + driver→ tea + spoon→ tool + box→ tooth + brush→ trouble + maker→ up + stairs→ wall + paper→ water + mellon → week + end→ wheel + chair → white + board→ wind + mill→ work + book→ work + place→ |