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Work Experience (internship)

Frank's questions online: espanol.se/PRAO   en.espanol.se/PRAO



Write about your internship (din PRAO).

  • You are to write about your internship (din PRAO).
  • Here are the questions you are to answer. Read them carefully. Answer them during your internship. (Läs frågorna mycket noga och svara på dem under din PRAO.)
  • We will use a lesson when you come back from your internship to finish your report. (Vi använder en lektion efter PRAO för att bli klar med rapporten.)
  • Answer using complete statements. (Svara med fullständiga meningar.)


Who works where? Vem jobbar var?

The architect arkitekt  plans buildings.

The author forfattare  writes books.

The baker bagaren  works at the bakery bageriet. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/87/USS_John_C._Stennis_baker.jpg

The bus driver busschaufför  drives buses.

The carpenter snikare  builds and repairs houses.

The cashier kassör/ kassörska  works at a shop/ store.

The chef and cook work in restaurants.

The clerk expedit works at the shop/ store or the bank.

The construction worker byggnadsarbetare  works at a construction site byggarbetsplats.

The designer works in big company stor företag .

The doctor works in a hospital or health clinic vårdcentral.

The electrician elektriker  works for the electric company (power company).
    (electricity el)

The factory worker fabriksarbetare works in the factory fabrik.
    (paper mill pappersbruk)

The farmer bonde  works on the farm.

The fire fighter (fireman brandsoldat/ brandman) stops fires.

The florist works with flowers.

The hairdresser/ hairstylist works at the hair salon.
      The barber frisören  works at the barber's shop (cutting men's hair).

The janitor/ superintendent/ super vaktmästare  takes care of buildings byggnaden.

The kindergarten teacher dagisfröken  works at a kindergarten (day care/ nursery school/ UK flag nursery dagis)

The nurse works in a hospital or health clinic vårdcentral  or nursing home vårdhem.

The office worker kontorist  works in the (personnel)  office (löne-)kontoret.

The plumber rörmakare  works with pipes rör.

The postal carrier /mail carrier, mailman, mailwoman, postman, postwoman,  letter carrier) delivers the mail/posts delivers the mail/ post.

The programmer programmerare  works with computers.

The riding instructor works in the riding academy/ riding center ridskolan.

The sales clerk expedit works at the shop/ store.

The shelf stocker (ungefär: detalj-assistent)  works at the shop/store.

The stylist (beautician kosmetologen) works at the cosmetic shop parfymeriet.

The taxidriver works in a taxicab taxibil.

The teacher works at a school.

The waiter/ waitress servitör/servitris  works in the restaurant.

The zookeeper works at the zoo djurpark.

More info: ·A longer list of jobs & professions • Jobs: Qs & AsA list in Spanish

The Workplace

arbetsplatsen (utsidan och utomhus)

What is its name?

What kind of place is it? (store, factory, day care center, other)

Where is it?

How big is it?

Is the building byggnaden  new or old?

Is the building nice (fin, skön, trevlig schyst)? What is it like? Describe beskriv  it, inside and out.


Which parts of the workplace are noisy bullrig?

Which parts are dangerous? If so, how?

Were you given safety säkerhet  instructions? Which ones?

Where can you take a coffee break and/or eat lunch? Describe the room.

Are there similar liknande  workplaces nearby? Where is the nearest one?

More: Think of another place, a place where you would like to work: McDonalds, a game store, a pet shop, a supermarket, anywhere. Answer the questions about that place too.

The People

Are there many people at the workplace?

Did you know any of them before you started your internship? Who?

Are there many people there who do not work there (customers kunder  etc.)?

Were you asked a question you couldn’t answer? Do you know the answer now?

Did anybody you know come to the workplace? Who? Were you glad to see him/her?


How many people work there?

How do they get along with each other?

Are they happy to be working there?

What is the name of the manager (the boss) chefen?

What educational background utbildningsbakgrund  do you need in order to work there?  (High school diploma gymnasieexamen?)

Which ages, sexes, and ethnic backgrounds are represented?
(Mostly old men from Mongolia? Or young women from Greenland? Etc.)

Who did you work with? Describe the person who you worked with most.

Describe the boss.

The Work

Vad de jobbar med.

What do your fellow workers do at work?

Is there anything that you could not do because you are too young?

Do they do anything that you do not want to do (maybe because it is unpleasant (yucky)?

If you heard about anybody getting hurt, describe what happened.

If you heard about anything strange or funny happening there, describe that.

What You Did

What did you do first thing in the morning when you came there?

What hours did you work?

Did you do the same things every day?

What was a typical day like?

Is there anything you never want to do again? Why not?

What is the last thing you did every day before going home?

The Experience


In which ways was working there like you expected förväntad?

What was unexpected?

What was the most surprising förvånande  thing that happened?

What was the best thing about your job?

What was the worst thing about your job?

Would you like to work there during the summer? Why or why not?

Is this the type of job you would like to do after you finish school? Why or why not?

The Want Ad

The Want Ad (job advertisement) and the CV ( resume) adapted


Sweden's English-language newspaper has want ads. Read three.

You are an employer

Group work: You and a couple of classmates have started a fantasy business. You need to employ a specialist. Perhaps a banana bender or a macaroni driller (makaroniborrare - jag sa ju att det är fantasi). Make a want ad (job advertisement). Include job title, necessary educational background, work tasks/responsibilites, salary, and the name of your company & its slogan. (We will hang up the ads in the classroom.)

You are an employee

Now you are instead a student. You are looking for a summer job. Write a CV (resume) that brings out your experience and abilities for the job.

Vocabulary (useful words)

approach närma sig
assignment uppgift
carry out utföra
evaluate utvärdera
familiar förtrogen

give an account of redogör för
intern pratikant
internship pratik, PRAO
machine maskin
observe iakttar, ser

occupation yrke
routines rutiner
skills färdigheter
supervisor handledare
tasks arbetsuppgifter

The Job Interview

anställningsintervju  adapted

      Thomas Cook travel agency needs two employees
        to work during the summer with tourists in Mallorca.
    The clients kunder  are English and Scandinavian.
      You speak English and Swedish and are available this summer.


• Telephone call

A. Good morning. My name is __ and I am interested in the job.


B. OK. Can you come in for an interview?


A. Yes. Of course. Sure thing! 

The Interview
    In a job interview: Stay Calm    Never do this!

· What is your name?
· How old are you?
· What have you studied?
· Where have you worked?
· What did you do there?
· How long hur länge  did you work there?
· Do you have a driving licence (driver's license) körkort?
· Which languages do you speak?
· Are you on the ball uppmärksamt
· What hobbies do you have?
· Why are you interested in this job?

PRAO-Questions in other languages

Spanish  Swedish

More PRAO Questions

Work experiences adapted from source
You will have the opportunity to visit a workplace and hopefully be useful too.
I want you to interview one of the people who work there. Hopefully someone will be willing to be interviewed in English. Otherwise you can do it in Swedish and translate it to English before handing it in.
*Have a nice week*
Good Luck!

Name: _____________________
Workplace: _____________________
Date: _____________________

Interview about a job:

  • What do you do at work?
  • How long have you been working here?
  • What is fun about your job?
  • What do you not like about your work?
  • Have you had any other jobs?
  • How did you get your job?
  • How old were you when you started working here?
  • How many hours do you work every week?
  • I have interviewed _____________________

Thank you very much for your help!!