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The Trojan War - Questions

I.  Helen & Paris
"A judgment of Paris" is any difficult decision svårt beslut. The phrase frasen  comes from a Greek myth.  In it, a prince named Paris had to decide something. What did he have to decide?

Whose bribe muta  did he accept?

The bribe — was it money or something else? What was the bribe?

"The face that launched sjösatt  a thousand ships" can mean anyone who causes orsaker  trouble, big trouble.  What is the origin ursprung  of the phrase fras?

II. The Horse
"Beware of akta dig för  Greeks bearing (carrying) gifts" means: be careful if someone offers erbjudar  you something.  They may have a hidden reason gömd anledning.  What is the origin ursprung  of the phrase fras  "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts"?

In the myth, the Greeks give their opponents fiender a gift (a present). What was the gift?

How did the gift help the Greeks win?

III. Achilles
Achilles' mother sought to strävde att  protect him. How?

Was she successful?

The Swedish magazine Veckans affärer had an article recently (May 2, 2013) about Facebook and advertising reklam. The article said, "annonser... [var] tidigare... Facebooks akilleshäl."  What does that mean?

IV. The Odyssey
What does the word "odyssey" mean?

What is the origin ursprung  of the word ord?

V. Troy is no myth
Who found out that Troy really existed fanns på riktig?


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