The Statue - Questions
The king of Cyprus was unhappy. Why?
Who did the festival in Cyprus honour ( honor)?
Rome had mostly the same gods and goddesses as Greece. But the Romans gave them names in their own language. Which language did the Romans speak? The answer is not in the text. Hint: South of the USA, people speak languages that come from the same language.
Aphrodite was the goddess of love. What was her Roman name? Hint ledtråd: The first letter is: V.
←Josef Fares is Swedish film director filmregissör (born in Lebanon). His films include Jalla! Jalla! and Kopps. How is his first name spelt in the UK and the US? Hint ledtråd: The name Filip is spelt Philip in the UK and the US.
Hints |
ledtrådar: graf (in matematics) fras |
The king of Cyprus wanted help. He asked the goddess of love for help. What did the king ask for?
What could he have done instead of istället för asking the goddess for help? What would you suggest föreslå?
Did the goddess Aphrodite listen to him?
The king's wish was granted. He got what he wanted. But what about the statue staty? Write about how the statue felt, suddenly becoming alive.
Write a continuation fortsättning of the story — how was their life together? (Any answer is OK as long as it is in English. Or in good English for a better grade. In very good English for grade A or B.)
More info: |
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Hathor (Egypt) | Aphrodite (Greece) | Venus (Rome) |
·The Swedish pop music group Afro-Dite competed for Sweden in the 2002 Eurovision Song Contest.
·Stockholm's patron saint was a real king 900 years ago, known at Eric IX, or Eric the Holy (Erik den helige).
·In London the underground trains T-bana are often called the tube. NYC & Scotland: subway. Washington DC: metro.