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Orpheus the Musician

According to enligt  a Greek myth, there was once a great musician and poet diktare.  His name was Orpheus.  And his songs were magical.

Orpheus' music charmed birds, fish, and wild beasts.  Even rocks and trees moved rörde sig  to his music.

Orpheus was very happily married gift.  But one day, a poisonous snake giftorm  bit his wife.  She died and the messenger of death dödsängeln  took her away, to the underworld dödsriket.  But, Orpheus could not accept förlika sig med  her death.

So there was only one thing to do: Orpheus went down to the underworld to bring her back!

Orpheus walked down, down, and down.  Finally he came to the land of death.  The king of that land was a god named Hades.

Hades said in a loud voice sa med hög röst: "I am the lord härskare  of the dead."

Orpheus said, "I have come to take my wife back to the land of the living levande."

Hades got angry.  "Never!" he said.  "I keep dead people in the underworld.  I never let them leave."

Orpheus said no more. Instead istället  he did what he did best: he sang.  He sang beautifully.  He sang so beautifully that he did something no one else had ever done: he melted smält  Hades' hard heart.

The master of the underworld finally agreed to let gick med på  Orpheus bring his wife back to the world of the living.  But there was one condition villkor: Orpheus must walk in front of her and not look back until they were in the upper world.

The pair pär  walked up to the world of the living.  But just before they reached nådde the upper world, Orpheus looked back to check kolla  that she was still following följde efter him.  As soon as he did that, she slipped back down halkade tillbaka, down to the underworld again, forever för all tid.

Orpheus was very, very sad ledsen.  He had lost his wife again.  This time, he knew that he could not get her back.

From then on, Orpheus stayed by himself.  He had no interest in other women.

Once, a few wild women heard him singing.  They came to him to dance and party.  But he was not in the mood for fun.  He never was.

The women got so angry argiga  that they attached him.  They threw rocks and branches trädgrenar.

However, Orpheus' music was so beautiful that it charmed förtrollade  even objects.  The missiles (things they threw) refused vägrade  to strike slå  him.  When that didn't work, the women attacked Orpheus' with their own hands.  They tore rev sönder  off his head!

Orpheus' head floated down the river, still singing.  It came to rest on the isle of Lesbos en grekiska ö.


More info:
·Orpheus grieves (is sad) because his wife, Eurydice, ends up in the underworld. Another Greek myth tells how Persephone, goddess of springtime, is tricked into spending the winters as the goddess of the underworld.

·'Hades' came to mean not just the god of the underworld, but also the underworld itself.