Nasreddin at the Mosque
The Story
A man was called Mullah Nasreddin. He was asked to talk on Friday.
He stood in front of the people in the mosque.
He asked frågade, "Do you know what I am going to say?"
The audience åhörare (publik) said, "No!"
The mullah said, "The people don't know what I will be talking about vad jag ska prata om. I do not want to speak to people who don't even know what I will be talking about!" Then he left gick sin väg.
The people felt embarrassed generade.
They called him back again the next week.
Again he asked the people a question. He asked them, "Do you know what I am going to say?"
This time the people replied svarade, "Yes!"
Nasreddin said, "Well, since eftersom you already know redan vet what I am going to say, I won't say it again. That would just waste your time upptar eran tid!"
He left again.
Now the people wondered undrade what to do. They decided bestämde sig to try one more time.
Once again they invited bjud in the mullah to speak. Once again he asked the same question, "Do you know what I am going to say?"
The people were prepared förbredda. Half of them answered, "yes!" The other half replied, "no!"
Nasreddin said, "Let the half who know what I am going to say, tell it to the half who don't."
Then he left.
What day of the week was it?
Where did Nasreddin go?
What did he ask at first (to start with)?
How did the audience publiken respond?
What did Nasreddin do then?
How did the people feel?
What did they do?
What did Nasreddin ask the second time?
How did the people respond svarar the second time?
What did Nasreddin say then?
What did Nasreddin do then?
Did the people ask him to come back a third time?
What question did Nasreddin ask the third time?
What response did he receive fick han that time?
How did he respond?
What did he do?
Three times the mullah refused to vägrade speak. He gave three different reasons anledningar for not speaking. What were the reasons?
Think of a strategy that would get Nasreddin to speak. Use your imagination fantasy!
Write about your own experience erfärenhet. A situation when you were expected to speak förväntades prata but got out of it. How did you avoid speaking?
Many people are afraid of rädda för att speaking in front of a group of people. Especially a large group of people. Why do you think that is so?
Let’s say that you start working as a coach, helping people get over their fear of speaking. How would you help them? What would you say?