Systems of Measurements
They do things different in the U.S
And they do things differently in England too.
110 volts in US, 230 volts in the UK
Miles in both countries, but how far a mile is depends on if you're measuring on land on on water. An ordinary mile is 1,609 meters, but a nautical mile is 1,852 meters.
I weigh about 185 pounds.
Can anyone guess the abbreviation for pounds? Lbs.
But, in UK they measure people’s weighs in stones.
In the US in pounds. Now, there are 16 ounces in a pound. (1 oz = c 28 grams)
But, that depends on what you weigh. For instance if you weigh gold use the Troy ounce, c 31 grams.
There are 16 oz. in a pound (1 oz = c 28 grams), but there are 32 in a quart. 32 fl. oz.
2 pints in a qt. 4 quarts in a gallon. But how big a gallon is depends on where you are. Its different in the US (c 3.8 liters) & in Britain (c 4.5 litres) & I won’t tell you the traditional measure in Scotland.
Shoe size
In the U.S., a difference of one full shoe size represents a length difference of 1/3 inch (8.47 mm).
The size number for a woman's shoe is 1 or 1.5 larger than for a man's shoe of the same length (for example, a men's 10.5 is a women's 11.5 or 12).
Children's sizes are equal to men's sizes plus 12.33.
In Europe, shoe sizes are measured in Paris points, a unit equal to 2/3 centimeter. Ski boots and hiking boots worldwide are measured in mondo points, which are simply millimeters.
Britain has its own system which I don’t understand.
Clothing sizes
See wiki “Clothing sizes” and “US standard clothing size”
A Dictionary of Units of Measurement