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Nicholas de Grandmaison 44.
 There is a man named Takoda.

 He is a Native American.

  Nicholas de Grandmaison: Riding At The Door,
   Itsoksi-ksisto-kitopi - Blood Indian 1952<


Takodo Talks

He tells us about America.

He tells us about America a long time ago:

Long, long ago, in America.

Native Americans were the only people.

Louis Sharp - Buffalo Dance At Mishongnovi. Louis Sharp - Buffalo Dance 

Our Life

We had farms.

We fished.

We hunted.

We hunted with bows and arrows.

We lived on the prairies.

The land was flat.





Buffalo are big animals.

They lived on the prairies.

When the buffalo moved, we moved.

American Buffalo. Buffalo Native American Clipart supplied by First People
- A large site about
Native Americans and members of the First Nations.


We killed the buffalo.

We made things from its dead body.

Buffalo Skin hud

We used the buffalo skin to make clothes.

We made shoes called moccasins.

A Prairie Camp.  We made tepees indiantält.



  Native American Clipart supplied by First People
   - A large site about
Native Americans and members of the First Nations.

Buffalo Bones

We used the bones of the buffalo to make knives.

We made spoons and cups from the horns.

Buffalo Meat

We ate the buffalo meat.


At night, we sat around the fire.

We told exciting spannande stories.


Gilbert Atencio - Blue Corn Maiden. Gilbert Atencio - Blue Corn Maiden