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From the country of Greece comes this story of three goddesses gudinnor:
Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera.

These three were arguing grälade. Which one of them was the most beautiful? 

There was a prince named Paris. The godesses agreed to let him be the judge domare.

Each of the goddesses offered Paris a bribe muta  to get him to choose her.

Hera offered him power, for she was queen of the world.

Athena offered him wisdom vishet, for she was goddess of wisdom.

But Aphrodite was goddess of love. She offered Paris the most be​autiful vacker  woman in the world. He, in turn, picked Aphrodite as the most beautiful goddess.

There was a problem: The most beautiful woman was Helen. And she was already married redan gift — to a king in another kingdom kungarike. But that didn't stop Paris and Aphrodite.

Paris visited queen Helen and her husband, the king. They were good hosts värdar, giving Paris a grand dinner. They let him stay overnight in their home. But during the night Paris talked Helen into running away with him (after Aphrodite made her agree fick henne att hålla med).

Paris took Helen back to Troy with him. There he married her, even though she already was married redan gift!

As you can imagine som du kan föreställa dig, the Greek king didn't like that one bit. (To be continued fortsattningen följer.)
