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Vocabulary Words

for Friday, 21 April

  1. changing room
  2. comfortable
  3. fell uncomfortable
  4. shrug
  5. supposed to
  6. backward (2)
  7. cut in
  8. grin
  9. alarmed förskräckt
  10. draw  att föra, att rita
  11. drew
  12. probably
  13. kit
  14. put up with
  15. defence (US: defense)
  16. defensively
  17. What's the point?
  18. giggle
  19. decent
  20. price
  21. pricey

for Wed. 22 March

assign utser, ger i uppdrag, peka ut (jämför: assignment uppgift)

  1. carry out utförar
  2. chief arbetsledare (jämför: a chef cooks!)
  3. customer kund
  4. employee arbetstagare
  5. employer arbetsgivare
  6. evaluate utvärderar
  7. experience erfarenhet
  8. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) frågor och svar
  9. intern pratikant
  10. internship pratik, PRAO
  11. observe iakttar, ser
  12. occupation yrke
  13. personnel personal (Jämför: personal personlig)
  14. qualification kompetens, merit, lämplighet
  15. routine rutin
  16. salary lön
  17. supervisor handledare
  18. task arbetsuppgift
  19. (trade) union, (labour) union fackförening


  1. PRAO is good work _________________. (erfarenhet)
  2. The _________________ is training on the job. (pratikant)
  3. Just a _________________ inspection. (rutin)
  4. The largest _________________ for Swedish wood is Egypt. (kund)
  5. When you _________________ a project to a busy man, the job gets done. (ger i uppdrag)
  6. If you can't _________________ the investigation, find someone who can. (utförar)
  7. The _________________ is in charge. (arbetsledare, handledare)
  8. The answer is on our website, under the title FAQ _________________. (frågor och svar)
  9. We _________________ the performance of every work team every week. (utvärderar)
  10. Adults are always asking each other, "What do you do? What is your _________________. (yrke)
  11. Every _________________ has the right to a safe workplace. (arbetstagare)
  12. We don't have enough _________________ to do the job. (personal)
  13. The _________________ buys the employee's work. (arbetsgivare)
  14. She switched to a new workplace to get a higher _________________. (lön)
  15. Join the _________________. Together we can get better pay and better working conditions. (fackförening)
  16. We could _________________ what happened when the balloon was rubbed on the sweater. (iakttar)

for Wed. 15 March

  1. "might have been" (kunde ha varit)
  2. "would have been" (skulle ha varit)
  3. ash aska
  4. author, writer  författare
  5. brick tegelsten
  6. canal  konstgjort flod, kanal
  7. chemical kemikalie
  8. chimney skorsten
  9. dirty smutsig
  10. dye färg
  11. factory fabrik
  12. pavement [Br.E.] trottoar
  13. poor fattig
  14. serpent orm, serpent
  15. several fler 
  16. severe sträng
  17. summary sammanfattning
  18. town hall rådhuset (town = stad)
  19. tremble darra
  20. warehouse lagerlokal


for Wed. 8 March

(International Women's Day)

  1. cohabitate to live together  att sambo
    (Jämför: the Bible says "The wolf will live with the lamb")
  2. discriminate  att särskilja
    (You have to discriminate between right and wrong.)
  3. equality  likhet, jämställdhet, jämlikhet
  4. feminism  kvinnor och män ska ha samma rättigheter, möjligheter, skyldigheter
  5. gender  beteende, kulturella eller psykologiska egenskaper som vanligtvis förknippas med det ena könet
  6. generalisation (BrE) generalization (AmE)  generalisering
  7. inheritance arv
    (nåt du får från din släkt: pengar, utseende, sjukdomar, vanor mm.)
  8. maiden name flicknamn
  9. marriage giftermål
  10. Master (som en titel)  Användes förr om en pojke för ung för att kallas Mr.
  11. Miss (som en titel) fröken
  12. Mr. herr
  13. Mrs. fru
  14. Ms. fru eller fröken
  15. prejudice fördom
  16. salary lön
  17. sex biologiskt kön mm
    ("Det var den engelska författaren DH Lawrence som först använde ordet "sex" (av sexual))
  18. spontaneous abortion/ miscarriage missfall
    (Jämför: abort = to end before it is complete: The landing was aborted at the last minute.)
  19. values värderingar
  20. voting rights rösträtt


  1. I can't support Trump. I don't share his ______________. (värderingar)
  2. A century ago women were awarded the ______________. (rösträtt)
  3. Hillary Clinton's ______________ was Rodham. (flicknamn)
  4. Frank broke ______________ rules by wearing a dress. (gender)
  5. He's got a ______________ against Swedes. (fördom)
  6. Many Swedes ______________ without getting married. (sambor)
  7. You can't ______________ — it's illegal. (särskilja)
  8. ______________ means that everyone has the same rights. (jämlikhet)
  9. Every ______________ is false (including this one). (generalisering)
  10. My uncle died. He left an ______________ consisting of stocks and bonds. (arv)
  11. You are doing a great job, John. I'm going to give you a raise. Your new ______________ will be 5% higher. (lön)
  12. She lost the baby due to a ______________. (missfall)