Vocabulary Words
for Friday, 21 April
Use each word in a sentence:
- supposed to
- backward (2)
- grin
- alarmed
- drew
- probably
- kit
- put up with
- defensively
- giggle
- decent
- pricey
- changing room
- comfortable
- fell uncomfortable
- shrug
- supposed to
- backward (2)
- cut in
- grin
- alarmed förskräckt
- draw att föra, att rita
- drew
- probably
- kit
- put up with
- defence (US: defense)
- defensively
- What's the point?
- giggle
- decent
- price
- pricey
for Wed. 22 March
assign utser, ger i uppdrag, peka ut (jämför: assignment uppgift)
- carry out utförar
- chief arbetsledare (jämför: a chef cooks!)
- customer kund
- employee arbetstagare
- employer arbetsgivare
- evaluate utvärderar
- experience erfarenhet
- FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) frågor och svar
- intern pratikant
- internship pratik, PRAO
- observe iakttar, ser
- occupation yrke
- personnel personal (Jämför:
personal personlig)
- qualification kompetens, merit, lämplighet
- routine rutin
- salary lön
- supervisor handledare
- task arbetsuppgift
- (trade) union, (labour) union fackförening
- PRAO is good work _________________. (erfarenhet)
- The _________________ is training on the job. (pratikant)
- Just a _________________ inspection. (rutin)
- The largest _________________ for Swedish wood is Egypt. (kund)
- When you _________________ a project to a busy man, the job gets done. (ger i uppdrag)
- If you can't _________________ the investigation, find someone who can. (utförar)
- The _________________ is in charge. (arbetsledare, handledare)
- The answer is on our website, under the title FAQ _________________. (frågor och svar)
- We _________________ the performance of every work team every week. (utvärderar)
- Adults are always asking each other, "What do you do? What is your _________________. (yrke)
- Every _________________ has the right to a safe workplace. (arbetstagare)
- We don't have enough _________________ to do the job. (personal)
- The _________________ buys the employee's work. (arbetsgivare)
- She switched to a new workplace to get a higher _________________. (lön)
- Join the _________________. Together we can get better pay and better working conditions. (fackförening)
- We could _________________ what happened when the balloon was rubbed on the sweater. (iakttar)
for Wed. 15 March
- "might have been" (kunde ha varit)
- "would have been" (skulle ha varit)
- ash aska
- author, writer författare
- brick tegelsten
- canal konstgjort flod, kanal
- chemical kemikalie
- chimney skorsten
- dirty smutsig
- dye färg
- factory fabrik
- pavement [Br.E.] trottoar
- poor fattig
- serpent orm, serpent
- several fler
- severe sträng
- summary sammanfattning
- town hall rådhuset (town = stad)
- tremble darra
- warehouse lagerlokal
for Wed. 8 March
(International Women's Day)
- cohabitate to live together att sambo
(Jämför: the Bible says "The wolf will live with the lamb") - discriminate att särskilja
(You have to discriminate between right and wrong.) - equality likhet, jämställdhet, jämlikhet
- feminism kvinnor och män ska ha samma rättigheter, möjligheter, skyldigheter
- gender beteende, kulturella eller psykologiska egenskaper som vanligtvis förknippas med det ena könet
- generalisation (BrE) generalization (AmE) generalisering
- inheritance arv
(nåt du får från din släkt: pengar, utseende, sjukdomar, vanor mm.) - maiden name flicknamn
- marriage giftermål
- Master (som en titel) Användes förr om en pojke för ung för att kallas Mr.
- Miss (som en titel) fröken
- Mr. herr
- Mrs. fru
- Ms. fru eller fröken
- prejudice fördom
- salary lön
- sex biologiskt kön mm
("Det var den engelska författaren DH Lawrence som först använde ordet "sex" (av sexual)) - spontaneous abortion/ miscarriage missfall
(Jämför: abort = to end before it is complete: The landing was aborted at the last minute.) - values värderingar
- voting rights rösträtt
- I can't support Trump. I don't share his ______________. (värderingar)
- A century ago women were awarded the ______________. (rösträtt)
- Hillary Clinton's ______________ was Rodham. (flicknamn)
- Frank broke ______________ rules by wearing a dress. (gender)
- He's got a ______________ against Swedes. (fördom)
- Many Swedes ______________ without getting married. (sambor)
- You can't ______________ — it's illegal. (särskilja)
- ______________ means that everyone has the same rights. (jämlikhet)
- Every ______________ is false (including this one). (generalisering)
- My uncle died. He left an ______________ consisting of stocks and bonds. (arv)
- You are doing a great job, John. I'm going to give you a raise. Your new ______________ will be 5% higher. (lön)
- She lost the baby due to a ______________. (missfall)