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  • body of water (puddle, pond, lake, sea, ocean; stream, river; waterfall)
  • city where most speak English, not in the US & not a capital city
  • clothes
  • Commonwealth (or former British colony other than the US)
  • color
  • computer program
  • continent or island
  • famous dead English-speaker
  • footware
  • furniture
  • institution (e.g.: hospital)
  • jewelry
  • landscape, not water
  • loan word into Eng
  • material you can make things of
  • Nordic Country
  • professions: bus driver, cook, designer, doctor, nurse, pilot, programmer, taxi driver, teacher, veterinarian (animal doctor)
  • pronounced differently in the UK & the US (but not spelt differently)
  • school tool (something you use there)
  • spelt differently in the UK & US
  • sport
  • tool used neither in the kitchen nor in constrution