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R a i n b o w  C o l o r

red   orange   yellow   green   blue   indigo   violet

More Colours

pink    gold    cream   olive   turquoise

white    silver    light blue    dark blue    black    brown

Spelling stavning:    A flag featuring both cross and saltire in red, white and blue.  grey colour      gray color


transparent  man kan se igenom, t ex ett fönster
translucent  ljus lyser igenom
opaque inget lyser igenom
New SVG image bright as the sun New SVG image
clear as a glass of water
dark as the night

Patterns mönster

UK flag checkered  checked rutig
polka dots ·.·.· prickig
patterned mönstrad
printed tryckt
striped ||||||| randig
flowery /  flowered blommig

Online Color Challenge utmaning